Learning and Development

Getting the right mix of inspirational leadership and effective management skills and practices can have a significant impact on organisational performance in terms of profit, sales, growth and survival. There is conclusive evidence to show that businesses that invest in training and developing their people do better.

Statistics from a recent report by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) show that:

  • Bad management accounts for 56% of business failures and costs the UK economy around £19 billion a year in lost working hours alone.
  • 43% of UK managers rate their own line manager as ineffective – and only one in five are qualified.
  • Best-practice management development can result in a 23% increase in organisational performance.


TAE Education and Training Ltd understands the challenges of aligning and managing systems and processes for a unique structure, managing talent and growing organisational capability through people. Our consultants will work with you to design and implement key people-oriented strategies that benefit the business, employees and other key stakeholders.

TAE offers a full range of bespoke training solutions to clients, which can be specifically tailored to meet a wide range of industries, ensuring both relevance in learning content and value in people development.

Our list is not exhaustive - please enquire for specific course information or additional topics.


Leadership and Management Programmes

• ILM Level 2 in Leadership and Team Skills (Award, Certificate, Diploma)

• ILM Level 3 in Leadership and Management (Award, Certificate, Diploma)

• ILM Level 4 in Leadership and Management (Award, Certificate, Diploma)

• ILM Level 5 in Leadership and Management (Award, Certificate, Diploma)